Saturday, 14 May 2016

Japanese rail services are among the finest in the world: they are fast, frequent, clean and comfortable. The 'national' railway is Japan Railways, commonly known as 'JR'.
The JR system covers the country from one end to the other and also provides local services around major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. Japan Railway also operates buses and ferries, and convenient ticketing can combine more than one form of transport.
In addition to Japanese Railway services, there is a huge network of private railways. Each large city usually has at least one private train line that services that city and the surrounding area, or connects that city to nearby cities. These are often a bit cheaper than equivalent JR services.

Train travel in Japan can be costly, especially if one buys tickets individually. Fortunately, there are some really great rail passes on offer. These can save you a lot of money and anyone considering a touristic exploration of Japan should consider one of these passes. The Japan Rail Pass is the main pass that will be of most use to typical travellers to Japan. However, there are several other passes that might be cheaper and more suitable if you intend to explore only one specific region.

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